The MIG Data Center facility project requires an extensive structural engineering design since the building falls into seismic risk category III. This means it requires higher seismic design force to achieve the building safety to comply with the code requirement.


The data hall that hosts the server rack itself needs a large space. Combined with the heavy load of the server racks, this results in a heavy structure design which requires a careful approach in order to achieve a structural design that has adequate strength and stiffness and is cost-efficient.


The project is located on Jalan Denpasar Selatan in Kuningan, Jakarta. It consists of 6 floors, 1 mezzanine floor and 1 layer of basement. Total of the constructed area is approximately 23,748 square meters.

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  • Location

  • Year

  • Client

    Mitra Informatika Gemilang
  • Architect

    Hirsch Bedner Associates (HBA) Jakarta
  • Building Height

    46,85 m
  • Site Area

    6,594 m²
  • Floor Area

    23,748 m²
  • Scope of Work

    Structural and Geotechnical Engineering