Phase 1 of this development comprises a 12-storey retail area and parking building with one 36-storey office tower and one hotel tower sitting on top of a semi-basement. The total floor area is 500,000 square metres, constructed on a fast-track construction basis. The building was divided into three masses separated by seismic joints. Two floors are allocated for a multi-storey warehouse. The whole complex is one of the biggest retail facilities in Asia.
In October 2004, when the piling progress reached 80%, the basement construction also started. The first milestone, the completion of the ground floor, was completed in February 2005. From then on, the work ran at an amazing speed with a production rate of 100,000 square metres per month! The structure for the 10-storey Trade Centre building is reinforced concrete construction with precast U-shell beams, steel decking and concrete infill/ topping. This system assisted the speed of construction while maintaining the monolithic behaviour of cast-in-situ concrete construction.